Calvary Chapel Mansfield 



9:30 am - Prayer

10:00 am - Worship & Teaching
(Nursery provided for 1-2 year olds during Worship/teaching)
(Age appropriate teaching available during the adult teaching for
ages 3-5, grades 1-5, and grades 6-8)


6:30 P.M. - Worship & Bible Study and Calvary Kids Club


Embrace Grace
Single and Pregnant? Get support. Find hope. Experience joy.
Make friends in a judgment-free community of women who want to encourage and support you.
We've got your baby needs covered! Get a free baby shower thrown for you!
Say goodbye to fear, and hello to joy! We help you find hope when life doesn't make sense.
Call for details: Janice 419/545-6309

Embrace Legacy
A support ministry for single dads.
We are here to help young men walking through the unsteady season of an unexpected pregnancy as they embark on a new journey of fatherhood!
Come and join our local judgement-free support group to find hope and experience the joy of fatherhood. There's still time to leave a legacy worth leaving!
Call for details: Janice 419/545-6309